PG Program Inaugural Function – Batch 2021

16th Batch of MBA & 14th Batch of MCA-Inauguration

The Inaugural ceremony of the 16th batch of MBA and 14th batch of MCA was held on August 21, 2021 at EEE Seminar Hall, in accordance with COVID 19 state standards and norms. Seeking the Almighty’s blessings. Dr. M.Sadiq Basha welcomed the gathering and  expressed his profound thanks to the Management  for the invaluable and incessant support in all aspects.

In his inaugural address, the vibrant Principal, Dr. J.Baskaran, emphasized the necessity of pursuing a PG programme as well as the credentials of both departments by sharing a mindfulness based narrative. 

Mr.K.Hathi Basha, Placement In-Charge, gave an unique talk about the placement procedure and contemporary industry expectations, which not only lifted the morale of eager parents but also lit the flame of unconquerable determination.

Finally, Dr.E.Gnanasekaran offered his heartfelt gratitude  to the audience and deepest congratulations  for the new MBA & MCA candidates of batch 2021 with a thought-provoking talk that re-ignited students’ confidence.

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