As per the Scheduled Cases and Tribes – Prevention of atrocities Act committee is established under Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tributes (prevention of Atrocities) Act. 1989. No.33 of 1989, Dated: 11.09.1989) committee is constituted for C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and Technology, Melvisharam.
S.No. | Staff Name | Designation | Position | Contact No:
1. | Dr. M. Sasikumar | Principal | Chairman | 9094277053 |
2. | Dr. V. Pushparaj | Associate Professor / Mathematics | Member | 9500630074 |
3. | Dr. S. Umamaheswari | HOD/IT | Member | 8248963928 |
4. | Prof. S.Anuja | AP/IT | Member | 9345476751 |
5. | Prof. R. Sumathi | AP/ECE | Member | 8124341787 |
6. | Prof. M. DivyaBharathi | AP/EEE | Member | 9597510071 |
7. | AnasulKamileen. F | III ECE student | Member |
8. | S. Sandhiya | III IT student | Member |
Concerned SC/ST Students and their presents may henceforth approach to this committee for any complaint that fails under the purview of the above act.