Chairman’s Message

The Indian System of Technical Education is one of the largest in the world. The state of such education is a mirror image of a country’s progress. And therefore, engineering education is the master key to national development. To contribute its mite to strengthen social and economic sectors of the nation, in whatever possible manner, the Melvisharam Muslim Educational Society, established in 1919, has founded C. Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and Technology. Like all other institutions, CAHCET stands for the onward march of the human race towards higher objectives and more promising values. The ISO Certification and the endorsement of the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) are a fillip to the zeal to strain much more and to achieve more and more. CAHCET is bent upon bringing out the manifestation of perfection in its students. The massive gates of the College are kept open to such of those students whose destination is not only a degree in engineering but also the obligatory requisites for a suitable placement. The vision statement reflects the Institution’s delectable commitment to expose students to job-oriented, need-based and work-centered technical education with emphasis on creative thinking and critical dissent. They are trained and counselled to travel beyond what is imprinted in the texts to integrate themselves into the social system in which the adventures of ideas are felicitated and even rewarded.

Dr. S. Ziauddin Ahmed, B.A., Chairman

Correspondent’s Message

Education is not merely a nursery of thought or centre for citizenship. It is an interpersonal influence that stimulates thinking and streamlines creativity. It is more so with engineering or technical education which is the student’s wise investment for a promising future career. To exemplify this and to effectuate students’ zeal to reach unscaled heights in engineering and technology, C. Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and Technology has come up with an inspiring sylvan backdrop. It is where engineering education is defined as a vital component that should pride in its national relevance and socio-economic viability. The ISO Certification is an official endorsement of the International standards that are maintained to provide high quality education which is reflected in our University results. The accreditation by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) is a boost to what CAHCET is committed for. The sincerity enshrined Professionals that we are sending out of our portals will also be integrity- bedecked smarts. What has been achieved is, no doubt, a golden milestone but what remains to be achieved rests on the shoulders of our staff and students who are our hope and faith. The rest assured, all is and all will be excellently well with CAHCET. The student-inmates are tutored and trained to learn to see more the human element in them than to that the campus as a more academic framework of rules and regulations. The inroads are laid to get the classical values of sincerity, obedience and hard work embedded in the student that his achievement in life and career will reflect the glory of his alma mater.

 V.Mohamed Rizwanullah, M.B.A.,  Correspondent

From the Principal’s Desk

“The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence”

-Rabindranath Tagore

Education enables a person to transcend the limitations of human perception and to understand the organic growth of the world to place oneself fit to perform one’s role efficiently in the interest of larger order of existence. It is a process to cause transformation to the finest of our thoughts, feelings and deeds. The aim of our Institution is to produce outstanding technocrats, who will prove their professional competence in their respective discipline. Our Institution also lays special Emphasis on soft skills, human values and ethics apart from academic excellence. We strive to endow the student with a platform, helping them to broaden their horizon and in the process provide them with a healthy, refined, holistic, and substantial education. Lets together tab the depths of the ocean and explore the universe through wings of knowledge and power of innovation. I extend my wishes to all the readers of this message and invite you to join hands with us in our noble mission.

 “Formal education will make you a living; Self education will make you a Fortune.”

Dr. M. Sasikumar, Principal