ICTACA - 2024 : 4th International conference on Technology and advancement in Computing Applications which will be conducted on the Date: 17&18-04-2024
A Technical poster presentation competition: A program conducted by Electronics and Communication Engineering department which will be conducted on the Date: 22-03-2024
Webinar on Utilization of chatGPT tools: A Webinar conducted by EEE department inorder to make best use of chatGPT tool in the industry, which will be conducted on the Date: 20-03-2024.
Campus Drive: A Virtual Drive was conducted by M/s. TCS for the final year students of CSE, IT, EEE & MCA – 24 Batch. Totally 03 candidate have been selected. Date: 12.06.24
Campus Drive: Campus Campus Drive Conducted for ALL UG - 24 Batch By M/s. Crystal Recruitment Solutions on the Date: 18.03.2024
Campus Drive: Campus drive Conducted for UG & MCA- 24 Batch By M/s. S10 Healthcare on the Date: 28.02.2024
Campus Drive: Campus Drive Conducted ECE & EEE - 24 Batch By M/s. Oasis Automation on the Date: 24.01.2024
MHA on Zoom Application: Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, proposes a guidelines for safe use of Zoom Application.
AWS Educate Program: CAHCET joins Amazon’s AWS Educate program